Architecture Weekly Issue #124. Articles, books, and playlists on architecture and related topics. Split by sections, highlighted with complexity: 🤟 means hardcore, 👷♂️ is technically applicable right away, 🍼 - is an introduction to the topic or an overview. Now in telegram and Substack as well.
Today the majority of the articles are somehow related to the Serverless. We start with cloud cost report by Datadog, Architecture Decisions in Database-as-a-Service Neon and the interview about Thinking Serverless. We also touch on Serverless Fairy - is it over yet? Follow the issue below!
State of Cloud Costs 🍼
Did you know that 54% of cloud container cost is spent on idle time? Does it mean it would be better spent with lambdas - not necessarily, but sparks a question indeed. This, and several more insights about the structure of cloud costs in the corresponding report by Datadog
#cloud #cost
Architecture Decisions in Neon 👷♂️
Neon is Database-as-a-Service, offering Managed Postgres. Not only they have interesting opinions on DB technology(Just use Postgres by default), they also share great insights how to provide a reliable, scalable database cluster. This is exactly what their article is about.
Thinking Serverless with Luca Mezzalira 🍼
Serverless is not merely a way how to run code in cloud; it is a paradigm and mindset shift from technology and infrastructure into business problem and components to solve it. Luca Mezzalira, a Principal Serverless Specialist at AWS tells how to think about Serverless for the best decision making during system design
#interview #video #serverless
Is the Serverless Fairytale over? 🍼
Serverless as a term is roughly 10 years old - at least Lambda was released in 2014. However SQS was there ever earlier, as well as App Engine. What do we see there after more than a decade? And is it even a trend outside of AWS conferences? Huge longread on the understanding serverless and what it expects next.
#serverless #state
Digital Bank Case Study by Monzo 👷♂️
Did you know that Mastercard and other payment providers do not offer cloud integration, so you need to have a data center as a digital bank? Or that you can build payments store on Cassandra? Monzo, a digital bank in UK with 4+ millions of customers, have their case study published, and this article provides a good overview.
PostgreSQL Index Types 🤟
PostgreSQL supports 6 index types including B+Tree, Hash and GIN. You would want to use different types of indexes for various column types, B+Tree works well for auto-incremented keys, while GIN index is better suited for json fields. Vlad Mihalcea got a great writeup about index types in PostgreSQL.
#db #performance
Rate limiting as security tactic 🍼
Rate limiting is considered as a performance practice in the first place, basically implementing control demand. At the same time, it is also a way of safeguarding your apis and making at available and secure. Find the whole consideration in the Red Hat blog.
#performance #security
TDD Can not work 🍼
A little provocative, right? Typically people argue if TDD works in particular situations, or to best apply the approach, but this piece discusses if it can theoretically work. And they have some solid reasoning! Find out the argument inside
Business Oriented System Design Course
Speaking about designing software systems, I got a course to design performant, reliable and secure software architecture, and advance in software engineering career.
The second cohort of Business Oriented System Design Course is opened, and 15 students are already onboard. on this page you will find the course content and what value it actually brings. Hurry up! We will run a poll to pick up lecture time by the end of June.
The brutal and unjustified war against Ukraine continues already 2 years. If you want to help Ukraine directly visit this fund.
Big thanks to Nikita, Constantin, Anatoly, Oleksandr, Dima, Pavel B, Pavel, Robert, Roman, Iyri, Andrey, Lidia, Vladimir, August, Roman, Egor, Roman, Evgeniy, Nadia, Daria, Dzmitry, Mikhail, Nikita, Dmytro, Denis and Mikhail for supporting the newsletter. They receive early access to the articles, influence the content and participate in the closed group where we discuss the architecture problems. Join them at Patreon or Boosty!