Architecture Weekly #13

Architecture Weekly Issue #13. Articles, books, and playlists on architecture and related topics. Every record has the complexity indication: 🀟 means hardcore, πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ is technically applicable right away,  🍼 - introduction to the topic or an overview.


It's already almost a two month of crazy, inhuman, unjustified war of Russia against Ukraine. We condemn this war and want it to stop ASAP. We continue this newsletter so you can advance your skill and help the millions of Ukranian people in any way possible.

Software Architecture might not be the thing you though it to be 🍼

The article which aligns with my view on architecture: you should avoid a dedicated role of an architect, but make architecture with your whole team; architecture is more about the decisions, and not the state; architecture process is about evaluating will the system fulfill the requirements.

Software Architecture: It Might Not Be What You Think It Is
Software architecture is often a misunderstood idea. Unlike traditional architecture, where the design is separated from construction, in software how something is built influences what is built, and vice versa. Software architecture is about decisions, not structure. Architecting is a skill, and ar…

Authentication and Authorization in Microservice style πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ

Once you move from a monolith to microservices, or discover the authorization is required in several microservices you have a bunch of options like API Gateway Approach, Common Authorization Service or old approach. The article lays down these alternatives.

Authentication & Authorization in Microservices Architecture - Part I
About Behalf Behalf facilitates in-purchase financing for B2B buyers and sellers. As a fin...