Architecture Weekly Issue #34. Articles, books, and playlists on architecture and related topics. Every record has the complexity indication: 🤟 means hardcore, 👷♂️ is technically applicable right away, 🍼 - introduction to the topic or an overview. Now in telegram as well.
It's already been 200 days since the crazy, brutal, unjustified war of Russia against Ukraine. We condemn this war and want it to stop ASAP. We continue this newsletter so you can advance your skill and help the millions of Ukrainian people in any way possible.
GitHub Security Best Practices 🍼
Nice article by Sonya Moisset on the measures you can take to harden your open-source repository security. She considers the supply chain attacks, malicious pull requests and working with found vulnerabilities. GitHub helps with their security-related tools; read which one below.

Introducing ClickHouse 🤟
CERN, which discovered the Higgs boson several years ago, uses ClickHouse to store petabytes of information gathered during their exciting experiments. It does not only scale really well but is incredibly fast too. Watch a video by Robert Hodges on how this speed was achieved.
One Serverless Principle: Idempotency 👷♂️
Everybody ever worked with microservices heard that requests should be idempotent. What the hell that means? Why they should be like that? I am sharing a video by Adrienne Braganza Tacke, where she gives a math definition of being idempotent and describe how it is applied in the microservice world.
Best practices for TiDB Load Balancing 👷♂️
At Bolt, we are migrating to Titanium DB for better scalability and storage efficiency. It uses MySQL protocol but has a RocksDB engine inside, that's why it needs a slightly another approach to load balancing. Follow the post by Daniel van Eeden to find out different options for database load balancing and the pros and cons of them regarding TiDB.

Shift Security Left 🍼
CossackLabs started a newsletter dedicated to shifting security left. That means the earlier you start thinking about security, the higher chances you will be able to provide proper protection measures to your system. Instant subscribe!
Apache ShardingSphere at Energy Monster 👷♂️
Imagine you have tons of different data, and a single database can't fit your need. But you want to have a common interface to work with different databases. That's what the Apache ShardingSphere project is all about. EnergyMonster shared a post where they describe how they adopted, what difficulties they met and how they deal with sharding, long startup times and no data-related issues.
Reference Architecture for Online Food Delivery System 👷♂️
The next topic from the business domains we're covering is Food Delivery. Delivery Hero, Fudy, Bolt Food, Wolt and many others are delivering delicious tastes in many countries across the world. How their system can look like? Read in an article.

Books for Software Architects 🍼
One of my team members asked for a piece of advice on what to read in order to grow into a software architect. I decided I could write a blog and actually published it this week. Find the list in the blog post below.

(Re) Introducing Edgestore at Drobbox 👷♂️
Dropbox started with MySQL back in the day but fastly outgrew its standard offering of it. Edgestore became its own solution on top of MySQL with a strongly consistent, read-optimized, horizontally scalable, geo-distributed metadata store

Software Architecture Methodology 🍼
While learning how to be an Architect I got to know a lot about NFRs, Quality Attributes Workshops, Software Documentation and many more. Magda Miu wrote a great post which represents a map of Foundations of Software Architecture. It also includes useful acronyms, tradeoff analysis methods and many more.
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